Preconciliar Commission members visit Pittsburgh in preparation for All-American Council

Members of the Preconciliar Commission, including OCA chancellor, Archpriest Alexander Garklavs; OCA secretary, Archpriest Eric G. Tosi; and All-American Council manager, Archpriest Myron Manzuk, recently visited the Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel here, site of the 15th All-American Council November 10-13, 2008.

Fathers Alexander, Eric, and Myron met with the local committee working with the Preconciliar Commission to organize the Council. The local committee is chaired by Archpriest Bill Evansky and Matushka Myra Oleynik. Specific Council logistics and details were discussed with subcommittee chairs and action lists were drafted for their continuing work. The Commission members and local committee chairs also met with the company that will be handling the Council’s audio-visual needs and exhibit, display, and chapel set-up.

A meeting was also held with members of the Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel management, who updated Commission members and local chairs on the progress of renovations at the hotel and walked the committee through the hotel to discuss specific facility details. The Hilton Pittsburgh has issued a statement explaining the status of their renovation work. The Preconciliar Commission continues to monitor closely progress in this area.