Recent lectures by Metropolitan Kallistos [Ware] now available on Ancient Faith Radio

Two lectures delivered by His Eminence, Metropolitan Kallistos [Ware] of Diokleia, professor emeritus in Eastern Orthodox studies at Oxford University, at Chicago’s North Park University February 22-23, 2011, are now available from Ancient Faith Radio [AFR] in the specials section at

Metropolitan Kallistos’ lectures—“Word and Silence in the Philokalia” and “What Can Eastern Orthodox and Evangelicals Learn From Each Other”—were delivered as part of the annual Kermit Zarley Lecture Series, hosted by the University’s Department of Bible and Theology.

During his visit to Chicago, Metropolitan Kallistos also delivered a lecture at Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, on February 21.

An in depth interview with Metropolitan Kallistos, conducted by Conciliar Media CEO John Maddex—“Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Record”—is also featured at