St. Tikhon’s Monastery announces plans for 107th annual Memorial Day weekend Pilgrimage

St. Tikhon's Monastery announces plans for 107th annual Memorial Day weekend Pilgrimage

Saint Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary recently released the schedule of services and events for the 107th annual Memorial Day Pilgrimage May 27-30, 2011.

“This year, we will be honored by the presence of Father Zacharias (Zacharou) of Essex, the disciple of Father Sophrony, the disciple of Saint Silouan,” according to Abbot Sergius. “Father Zacharias will be present throughout the Memorial Day festivities as the guest homilist. He will also give the commencement address at the seminary graduation ceremonies.”

The weeping icon of Saint Anna also will be available for veneration throughout the weekend.

The Pilgrimage schedule is as follows.

Friday, May 27, 2011

3:30 pm Official Opening of the 107th Pilgrimage
 Greeting of the Myrrh-streaming icon of Saint Anna at the monastery archway
4:00 pm Vespers and Matins at the Monastery Church
5:30 pm Akathist before the icon of St Anna
 Dinner in Monastery dining hall for all pilgrims following the services

Saturday, May 28, 2011

8:30 am Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
 Coffee hour for all pilgrims at the Monastery dining hall following the service
12:00 noon 69th Annual Academic Commencement of St. Tikhon's Theological Seminary
 Bestowal of Honorary Doctorate upon Archimandrite Zacharias
2:30 pm Graduation Banquet, Saint Michael Hall, Jermyn, PA
6:00 pm Resurrection Vigil - Monastery Church
8:00 pm Meal for all pilgrims in the Monastery dining hall

Sunday, May 29, 2011

9:00 am Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
 Meal for all pilgrims at the Monastery dining hall following the service
4:00 pm Vespers and Matins - Monastery Church

Monday, May 30, 2011

7:30 am Divine Liturgy - Monastery Church
10:00 am Hierarchical Divine Liturgy-Pavillion
1:30 pm Akathist to St. Alexis - Monastery Church
2:00 pm Molieben to the Most Holy Theotokos and Annointing of the Sick, Infirm and all Pilgrims - Monastery Bell Tower
4:00 pm Vespers and Matins - Monastery Church

Additional information may be found on the monastery web site at