God’s Blueprint: Builders of the Faith: Extra Time Activities

Yarn Words

Time involved: 5 min

Materials: sand paper (4x6)

Supplies: bright colored yarn, scissors, pencils

Purpose: To fix the important word of the lesson into the student's mind, both during class and during the following week.

How-to for Yarn Words: When a lesson has a special word that brings it all together, like pray, share, sing, or forgive, try Yarn Words. Give the children sand paper and ask them to form the word with yarn on the sand paper.

Plastic Bag Art

Time involved: 5 min

Supplies: Plastic Ziploc sandwich bags (one per child), liquid poster paint

Purpose: To experiment with a new art form and to fix a theme in each student's mind.

How-to for Plastic Bag Art: Give each child a plastic Ziploc sandwich bag. Into each bag place a tablespoon of brightly colored poster paint. Carefully seal each bag. Use hands to gently spread the paint inside the bag until it is smooth. Using a finger, the child can spell out important words or draw a simple shape to celebrate the theme of the lesson. Children can smooth and rewrite or redraw pictures as many times as they wish. They can be used again the paint will not dry out immediately.

Under the Table

Time involved: 5 min

Supplies: a table, chairs around it, a beanbag or substitute

How-to for Under the Table: Arrange the students evenly around the table so that they can easily reach the hand of the next person. Explain the rules: the beanbag is to be passed under the table person to person. When the teach claps his/her hands, the student holding the beanbag must call out "concept/theme words"such as Beatitude/meekness. Continue passing the beanbag.When the teach claps his or her hands again, the students pass the beanbag quickly. The teacher will not be able to see who has the bag, so he/she cannot be accused of clapping unfairly. Keep going for not more than five minutes. All those who have not missed three times are declared the winners.

Bible Verse Additions

Time involved: 5 min

Supplies: Dry-erase board, eraser, marker

Purpose: To learn a significant Bible verse that will help in the study of the lesson

How-to for Bible Verse Addition: Let the children look at the Bible verse printed on the flip chart. Let student number one say the first word. The second student must say the first word and add the second word. The third student must say the first and second words and add the third word. THe verse keeps getting repeated until the entire verse is said. Then let the teacher erase the flip chart and start again. This time the students must do it from memory.