Reaching Out: Our Call To Minister: Evaluating Our Ministry Project

Make one copy for each project and distribute to each member of the group. Discuss your project together using the following questions as a guide.

1. What was it like to [name of project]?

2. Did it help the people we hoped it would? How or how not?

3. How did or didn't the project reflect the commands of Christ we talked about?

4. Were there any surprises, good or bad, or did things go pretty much as we expected? Be specific.

5. What are some things to remember if we decide to do this project or one like it again? [Names, phone numbers, instructions, especially successful points, things to do differently]

6. Do we feel this project is worth continuing, or do we want to try another project?

(a) If we want to continue this project, what would we have to do? Who else can we invite to help us with it?
(b) If we want to try another project, what would it be?