Reaching Out: Our Call To Minister Worksheet 1: On Gifts

A spiritual gift is a special ability God gives to people through his Holy Spirit in order that they can glorify God, by showing His love and following His plan.

1. Question on saints. What spiritual gifts did Saint Juliana have? [Refer to list below.] How did she use them? [Be specific] What was her attitude about the people she was helping? If you asked her why she was doing what she did, what do you think she would say? In the story it talks about Saint Juliana's 'service to others and her prayers to God.' How do you think these are connected? How did her prayers affect serving others, and how did serving others affect her prayers to God? How do you think you would have acted if you were in her situation? Do you know of any other saints that lived similar lives? Who do you know of who is currently dedicating their life to serving God's people in need?

2. Personal inventory. God has given each of us special gifts, talents, interests, and abilities. . .

(a) List some of your talents, abilities, and interests

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Bible also lists spiritual gifts that God gives us for the upholding of His Church. [See 1 Corinthians 16:1-8a; Galatians 5:22-23, 25-26; Phillipians 4:8-9]

(b) Read through the following list. Circle any of the words that describe a way you could use some of your talents and abilities [ie if you like to cook, that could fit into the gifts of helping, hospitality, and giving]. Ask your teacher, parish priest, or use a dictionary if you have any questions about the gifts listed.

prayer/intercession serving helping giving teaching preaching
pastoral care mercy hospitality exhortation leadership prophecy wisdom
knowledge faith discernment evangelism miracles healing martyrdom
monasticism celibacy administration hope joy peace patience
kindness endurance goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control other

3. What are some ways you could use some of your gifts and talents at home, school, church work, etc?