The House That God Built: Session I: My Home

For this activity you will need house shaped puzzles or pre-cut puzzles that houses can be drawn on, markers and envelopes to store the puzzle pieces.

Book or song related to house theme.

With this activity we want the children to associate things in their house that make it a home.

Begin with a story or song related to the theme. We have used, "When I Build My House" as sung by The Parachute Express associated with GYMBOREE. Or open with discussion about where they live.

Before, during and after they color the inside of their houses you may want to discuss the following points: (younger ones might need guidance as to what they can find in their house.)

  • A home is a house full of people who love each other.
  • A home is where we keep our special things, whether it is something like an icon, candles or even their toys, books, etc.
  • It should be the place that we feel the most comfortable.

Try asking:

  • What is your favorite place in your house?
  • What do you like about the people in your home?