Lives of the Saints

Sunday before the Nativity

Sunday before the Nativity

The Sunday before the Nativity of Christ we commemorate Adam and Eve (the first-created), the righteous Abel, son of Adam, the righteous Seth, son of Adam, the righteous Enos, son of Seth, the righteous Kenan, son of Enos, the righteous Mehaliel (Maleleim), son of Kenan, the righteous Jared, son of…

Forefeast of the Nativity of our Lord

Forefeast of the Nativity of our Lord

The Forefeast of the Nativity of the Lord begins on December 20. From now on, most of the liturgical hymns will be concerned with the birth of the Savior. During Matins (after the first Sedalen) on this second day of the prefeast of the Nativity we sing, “The unapproachable God in His tender…

Virgin Martyr Juliana of Nicomedia, and 500 men and 130 women with her

Virgin Martyr Juliana of Nicomedia, and 500 men and 130 women with her

The Holy Virgin Martyr Juliana, daughter of an illustrious pagan named Africanus, was born in the city of Nicomedia. As a child, she was betrothed to a certain Elusius, one of the emperor’s advisors. Saint Juliana was endowed with a profound intellect and goodness of soul. She saw through the…

Repose of Saint Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow, Wonderworker of All Russia

Repose of Saint Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow, Wonderworker of All Russia

Saint Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow, was born in Volhynia of pious parents, Theodore and Eupraxia. Even before the birth of her son, the Lord revealed to Eupraxia the preordained blessedness of her son. At the age of twelve, young Peter entered a monastery. He successfully studied the book sciences…

Right-believing Princess Juliana of Vyazma

Saint Juliana, Princess of Vyazma and Novy Torg, a daughter of the noble Maximus Danilov, was known for her virtues and her chastity. Her spouse, Prince Simeon of Vyazma, and also Prince Yuri of Smolensk, were compelled to flee their native lands, which the Lithuanian prince Vitovt had seized. Then…

Blessed Procopius of Vyatka the Fool-For-Christ

Blessed Procopius, Fool-for-Christ, of Vyatka, was the son of pious peasants. When Procopius reached age twenty, they wanted him to marry, but he secretly went to the city of Khlynov and took upon himself the feat of foolishness. The holy fool endured hunger, cold, mocking and insults. The Lord…

Martyr Themistocles of Myra in Lycia

Martyr Themistocles of Myra in Lycia

The Holy Martyr Themistocles lived in the city of Myra of Lycia during the reign of the persecutor of Christians, Decius (249-251). Themistocles was a shepherd. During the persecution he concealed within his home a certain Christian named Dioskorides, while he himself went out to the pursuers. They…

Venerable Macarius the Faster, Abbot of the Khakhuli Monastery

Venerable Macarius the Faster, Abbot of the Khakhuli Monastery

In the second half of the 10th century King Davit Kuropalates constructed the Khakhuli Church in southern Georgia. He also founded Khakhuli Monastery, which in later centuries would become a center of spirituality, science, and education. Today this monastery is located on Turkish territory, but…