Venerable James, who was deceived and worshiped the Antichrist

Saint James had so much love for Christ, and so little regard for the things of this world, that he sold all of all his possessions, and distributed the money to the poor, keeping none for himself. Unfortunately, he was overcome with pride. He said to himself, “Who knows better than I do, concerning my salvation?”

Following his own will and personal inclinations, he lived in solitude, undertaking difficult spiritual struggles without first seeking the advice of wiser, more experienced ascetics. Because of his pride, he fell away from God's grace. Therefore, Satan was able to enter his soul.

One day he was visited by a demon who had assumed the appearance of an Angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). He told James that Christ was very pleased by his labors, and would come that night to reward him. “Clean your cell,” he said, “and make ready by lighting the lamps and burning incense.”

James, blinded by his delusion, accepted these words without question. When the Antichrist appeared at midnight, James opened his door and fell down in worship before him. The devil struck him on the head, and then vanished. Only then did the deceived monk realize the truth.

He awoke at dawn and went to visit a certain Elder to tell him what had happened, and to ask how he might atone for his sin. Before James could utter a single word, the Elder said, “You must leave this place, for you have been deceived by Satan.”

James was heartbroken and wept bitter tears. The Elder advised him to go to a cenobitic monastery in order to acquire humility, the cornerstone of all the virtues. There he observed all the rules of the Monastery and persevered in his assigned obedience in the trapeza. Then for another seven years, he sat in his cell working at some handicraft, and performing his Prayer Rule.

After some time, Saint James was restored to grace, acquiring the gift of discernment, following God's straight and narrow path, and becoming a great worker of miracles. After living the rest of his life in all righteousness and humility, he reposed in peace. No one knows where he lived, or when.