Constantinople Icon of the Mother of God - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 1

Your icon, O Sovereign Lady, has shone for us like a sun shining from the east, / with a wondrous radiance of miracles, / illuminating all those who come to it with faith and love, / praying fervently to your majesty, in your Son and God. / Glory to God, Who gave us this Icon with the help of Saint Euphrosynos. / Glory to Him Who brought it from Constantinople. / Glory to Him, Who through it, grants healing to all.

Kontakion — Tone 8

The most glorious Mother of the Almighty / summons us to sing with the coming of her Icon from Constantinople, / and inspires us to fight in order to overcome the power of those who oppose God, / and to praise her in song as the cause of our joy: / “Rejoice, O Bride who knew not wedlock.”