Venerable Hilarion of Optina - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

Divine healer of passions, tried and tested helmsman of faith, / you received the gift of healing from the Lord, and glorious victories over demons, / O wondrous Father Hilarion, / all that was hidden has been revealed, and heretical ideas destroyed. / Therefore, pray to Christ God to deliver us from the delusion of the devil, and to save our souls.

Troparion — Tone 7

Despising all the good things of this world, / you received spiritual peace in your heart, / and by abhoring earthly pleasures, you were enriched with heavenly gifts. / Therefore, you protected Christ's flock by driving away the darkness of schism. / Save us by your prayers, O divinely-enlightened Elder Hilarion.

Kontakion — Tone 5

Fellow participant in the spiritual mysteries of the Optina Elders, / and co-inheritor of the land of the Sovereign Lady, / you blossomed like a prolific tree in the garden of the wilderness / and, like a good shepherd, you strengthened the flock of Christ. / Now entreat Christ God to preserve us in Orthodoxy and in piety, / and to strengthen all who revere you with love.