Troparia and kontakia for March 14

4th Sunday of Great Lent: St John Climacus (of the Ladder)

Troparion — Tone 1

Dweller of the desert and angel in the body, / you were shown to be a wonderworker, our God-bearing Father John. / You received heavenly gifts through fasting, vigil, and prayer: / healing the sick and the souls of those drawn to you by faith. / Glory to Him who gave you strength. / Glory to Him who granted you a crown. / Glory to Him Who, through you, grants healing to all.

Kontakion — Tone 4

(Podoben: “The Angelic Choir...”)
The Lord truly set you on the height of abstinence, / O our instructor and Father John, / as an unerring star, guiding the ends of the earth by your light.

Venerable Benedict of Nursia

Troparion — Tone 1

(Podoben: “O citizen of the desert...”)
By your ascetical contests, O God-bearer Benedict, / you were true to the name that you bear; / for you blossomed as a son of benediction, / and became a Rule for all who desire to emulate your life. / Thus, with one voice we cry: / “Glory to Him Who strengthened you; / glory to Him Who crowned you; / glory to Him Who, through you, works healings for all.”

Kontakion — Tone 6

You were enriched with God’s grace; / your works agreed with your name, O Benedict, helpful servant of Christ God. / Through prayer and fasting you were revealed to be filled with the gifts of the Spirit of God! / You are a healer of the sick, the banisher of demons and speedy defender of our souls!

Saint Theognostus, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia

Troparion — Tone 4

In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, / an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence; / your humility exalted you; / your poverty enriched you. / Hierarch Father Theognostus, / entreat Christ our God / that our souls may be saved.

Right-believing Great Prince Rostislav-Michael, Prince of Kiev

Troparion — Tone 6

You became a builder of cities and churches in the land of Kiev, / O Great Prince Rostislav, you abolished turmoil and preserved unity. / Thus, the Lord sent you wisdom; / therefore, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Saint Euschemon the Confessor, Bishop of Lampsacus

Troparion — Tone 8

Champion of Orthodoxy, teacher of purity and of true worship, / the enlightener of the universe and the adornment of hierarchs: / all-wise father Euschemon, your teachings have gleamed with light upon all things. / Intercede before Christ God to save our souls.

Icon of the Mother of God of Saint Theodore

Troparion — Tone 4

Today, the renowned city of Kostroma and the entire Russian land rejoice joyfully, / calling all God-loving Christian people to the glorious triumph of the Mother of God / because of the arrival of her wonderworking and much-healing Icon: / for today a great and most radiant sun has appeared to us. / Come all of God's chosen people, the new Israel, to the fountain of healing, / for it pours forth to us the inexhaustible mercy of the Most Holy Theotokos / and delivers all Christian cities and lands from the malice of their enemies. / But, All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Theotokos, Sovereign Lady, / by your great mercy, save our country, the bishops, and your people / from all their misfortunes that we may cry out to you, / “Rejoice, O Virgin, the boast of Christians.”

Kontakion — Tone 8

We your servants offer prayers of thanksgiving to you, O Theotokos, / for all the good things you have done for our city; / we cry out to you from the depths of our souls, and bowing down we pray: / “O Sovereign Lady, do not cease to intercede with your Son and our God / to grant every good thing and salvation to all who cry out to you with faith and love, / ‘Rejoice, O Virgin, the boast of Christians.’”