Venerable Paisius the Great - Troparion & Kontakion
Troparion — Tone 4
(Podoben: “Be quick to anticipate...”)
Fervently, let us honor the God-bearer Paϊsios, / an Angel in the flesh, the crown of Monastics, / an incorporeal man and a citizen of Heaven, / who celebrates with us, / granting grace to all who rejoice in his memory.
Kontakion — Tone 8
(Podoben: “O Victorious Leader...”)
Let us, the faithful, sing praises to the godly-wise Paϊsios, / the adornment of the desert, equal of the Angels,
the friend of Christ, and the glory of Monastic Saints. / Let us cry to him: “Rejoice, O Father Paϊsios.”