Kupyatitsa Icon of the Mother of God - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 5

Today we celebrate joyously the remembrance of the appearance of your wonderworking Icon on the Cross, O Sovereign Lady, / which became the shield of the Orthodox Faith1 in the days of severe trials, / strengthening and saving all those who come to you with faith. / Therefore, we pray earnestly: / “Always be our Protector.”

1 Ephesians 6:16

Kontakion — Tone 8

The Lord has glorified the church of Kupyátitsa with many miracles by your Icon, O Theotokos, / for you are the helper of all who turn to your sacred protection with faith, O Good one. / We sinners, who are burdened with many sins, / have no one else but you to deliver us continually from our troubles and sorrows, / O Mother of the Most High God; / therefore, we cry out to Him: “Alleluia.”