Troparia and kontakia for April 4

The Raising of Lazarus (Lazarus Saturday)

Troparion — Tone 1

By raising Lazarus from the dead before Your passion, / You did confirm the universal Resurrection, O Christ God! / Like the children with the palms of victory, / we cry out to You, O Vanquisher of death: / Hosanna in the Highest! / Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord!

Kontakion — Tone 2

Christ the Joy, the Truth and the Light of all, / the Life of the World and the Resurrection / has appeared in His goodness, to those on earth. / He has become the Image of our Resurrection, / granting divine forgiveness to all!

Venerable Joseph the Hymnographer

Troparion — Tone 2

Come, let us acclaim the divinely inspired Joseph, / the twelve-stringed instrument of the Word, / the harmonious harp of grace and lute of heavenly virtues, / who lauded and praised the assembly of the saints. / And now he is glorified with them.

Kontakion — Tone 3

Your divinely inspired tongue was the pen of a ready scribe, / according to the words of David. / You sang of the contests of the saints / and described the grace they received through their labors. / Therefore, we cry to you: “Rejoice, O blessed harp of holy melody!”

Venerable George of Mount Maleon in the Peloponnesus

Troparion — Tone 8

By a flood of tears you made the desert fertile, / and your longing for God brought forth fruits in abundance. / By the radiance of miracles you illumined the whole universe! / O our holy father George, pray to Christ our God to save our souls!

Venerable Joseph the Much-Ailing, of the Kiev Far Caves

Troparion — Tone 8

By a flood of tears you made the desert fertile, / and your longing for God brought forth fruits in abundance. / By the radiance of miracles you illumined the whole universe! / O our holy father Joseph, pray to Christ our God to save our souls!

Venerable Zosimas, Abbot of Vorbozomsk

Troparion — Tone 8

By a flood of tears you made the desert fertile, / and your longing for God brought forth fruits in abundance. / By the radiance of miracles you illumined the whole universe! / O our holy father Zosimas, pray to Christ our God to save our souls!

Venerable Zosimas of Palestine

Troparion — Tone 1

Let us the faithful praise Zosimas the offspring of the wilderness, / the angel in the flesh and the boast of monastics. / With him, let us acclaim holy Mary of Egypt / whose life transcended the limits of nature. / Together, let us cry to them: / Glory to him who strengthened you! / Glory to him who sanctified you! / Glory to him who through you works healing for all!

Kontakion — Tone 3

Let us all praise the righteous Zosimas, the boast of monastics, / and with him, Mary who in the desert lived the angelic life. / Let us cry to them in faith: / Deliver from harm and corrupting passions, / those who celebrate your radiant memory!

Virgin Martyr Pherbutha (Phermoutha) of Persia, with her sister, and servant

Troparion — Tone 4

(Podoben: “Joseph was amazed...”)
Your lamb Pherbutha, / calls out to You, O Jesus, in a loud voice: / “I love You, my Bridegroom, / and in seeking You, I endure suffering. / In baptism I was crucified so that I might reign in You, / and I died so that I might live with You. / Accept me as a pure sacrifice, / for I have offered myself in love.” / Through her prayers save our souls, since You are merciful.

Kontakion — Tone 2

(Podoben: “You sought the heights...”)
Finding your most revered temple to be a source of healing for our souls, / we the faithful cry out to You with a loud voice: / “O most renowned Virgin Martyr Pheerbutha, / entreat Christ God unceasingly on behalf of us all.”

New Martyr Niketas of Pojani and Serres

Troparion — Tone 4

Your holy martyr Niketas, O Lord, / through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. / For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, / and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Saint Isidore, Bishop of Seville

Troparion — Tone 4

In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, / an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence; / your humility exalted you; / your poverty enriched you. / Hierarch Father Isidore, / entreat Christ our God / that our souls may be saved.

Venerable Theonas, Archbishop of Thessalonica

Troparion — Tone 4

In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, / an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence; / your humility exalted you; / your poverty enriched you. / Hierarch Father Theonas, / entreat Christ our God / that our souls may be saved.

Gerontissa Icon of the Mother of God

Kontakion — Tone 2

(Podoben: “With the streams of your blood...”) [Kontakion of the Great Martyr Demetrios]
We fall down before you as our Gerontissa, / and strong protection, Most Holy Mother. / O Most Pure Theotokos, / do not cease to protect us always, in danger and sorrow.

The Life Giving Fountain of the Mother of God

Kontakion — Tone 8

O most favored by God, you confer on me the healing of your grace from your inexhaustible Fountain. / Therefore, since you gave birth incomprehensibly to the Word, / I implore you to refresh me with the dew of your grace that I might cry to you: Hail, O Water of salvation.

“Deliverer” Icon of the Mother of God

Troparion — Tone 4

You who bring deliverance to all who call upon you from their heart, / bring speedy deliverance to us, who are perishing from grievous troubles; / for we entrust our deliverance only to God and to you.

Troparion — Tone 4

Like a bright star, your Holy Deliverer Icon shone forth with Divine miracles, / illuminating those who are in the darkness of sorrows with the beams of your grace and mercy. / Therefore, All-Good Virgin, / grant us deliverance from troubles, / the healing of spiritual and physical diseases, salvation, and great mercy.

Kontakion — Tone 8

O Most Holy Lady, those who are in need turn to your Icon with faith, / after being delivered from calamities by your protection; / but as the Mother of Christ God, deliver us from cruel calamities, both temporal and eternal, / that we may cry out to you: “Rejoice, our deliverer from every trouble.”