Martyr John the Soldier at Constantinople - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

O wonderworker John, / you became a truly faithful servant and warrior of the all-good God; / for after suffering courageously for the Faith and completing the course of your life in blessedness, / you beheld in the heavens the Lord and Creator of all most splendidly, and you help those who suffer all sorts of trials. / You strengthen soldiers in battle, / rescuing them from capture by the enemy, from wounds, from sudden death, and cruel misfortunes. / Therefore, O ever-memorable one, entreat the Master Christ, that He deal mercifully with us in every circumstance, / that He lead us not into temptations, but save our souls, / as the lover of mankind.

Troparion — Tone 8

Loving the blessedness of the Gospel, O divinely-wise John, / you have glorified the purity of your heart with virginity. / Therefore you rejected the vanity of this world, hastening to the contemplation of God, / Who glorified you with miracles of healing, to treat various sufferers. / Therefore, we implore you: "Entreat Christ the Lord to deliver us from all sorrows, / and that we may obtain the Kingdom of Heaven."

Kontakion — Tone 6

With hymns let us praise worthily the pious warrior of Christ, / who defeated the enemies of soul and body, the divinely-wise John the Martyr; / for by working miracles, he provides abundant healings to those who suffer, / and he entreats the Lord God to save the Orthodox from all misfortunes.

Kontakion — Tone 3

You were revealed as a great joy for those who suffer misfortunes, O wonderworker John, / for you heal all the illnesses of those who pray to you by fulfilling their requests. / Therefore, even now, entreat the Lord / that He may save us by His mercy.