Venerable Therapon, Abbot of White Lake - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

Enlightened by a pure way of life, / in prayers and fasting you were shown as a beautiful shoot in the wilderness; / following your spiritual teacher, you directed your thoughts to Heaven, / you were the instructor of your flock; / therefore we entreat you, O Father Therapon, "Pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls."

Kontakion — Tone 4

Christ, our Most Blessed Savior has multiplied His mercy toward us, / by giving our Venerable Father Therápon as an intercessor and a healer he illumines us with the light of his holy life; / and now, by his prayers, he protects his temple from enemies, and from destruction; / this land from hell, and from a vain death; / and all those who honor his memory from sickness, and from fierce passions.

Kontakion — Tone 8

Aflame with desire for Christ, you repulsed carnal passions through abstinence, / and by acquiring fasting, O Venerable one, you were enriched with the gift of working miracles, / exuding healing and supplicating God for us, / joyously we cry: “Rejoice, O Father Therápon.”