Saint Irene Chrysovolantou - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 5

(Podoben: “Let us the faithful praise and worship the Word...”)
You did not obtain an earthly kingdom, / but now Christ, your most comely Bridegroom, has deemed you worthy of incorruptible crowns; / for you dedicated yourself to Him with all your heart and soul, / O Venerable Mother Irene, the glory of Chrysovalantou, our refuge and our help.

Kontakion — Tone 3

(Podoben: “Today the Virgin...”)
Leaving behind the entire world with its temporal glory, / you were wedded to Christ, the immortal and holy King, / bringing to Him as a precious dowry your virginity and the trophies you have won over the demons through abstinence. / O Venerable Mother Irene, entreat your Bridegroom to grant us mercy.