Venerable Domnica of Constantinople - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

(Podoben: “Be quick to anticipate…”)
Love for that which is better illumined your nous,1 / and you shone in asceticism like a radiant lamp, O Domnίkē. / Hence, the Master revealed you as a light-bearing guide of monastics / by your life and word. / Intercede with Him, O God-bearer, that all may be saved.

1 Nous: The highest faculty in man (after he has been purified) through which he knows God or the inner essences or principles of created things by means of direct apprehension or spiritual perception. Sometimes called mind, intellect, or the soul's rational aspect.

Kontakion — Tone 1

You gathered a choir of virgins by your holy works and wise teachings. / You led them to the Bridal Chamber where the Tree of Life is. / By your prayers, grant life to my deadened soul, / O God-inspired Mother Domnίkē.