Hieromartyr Isidore and 72 others at Yuriev, Estonia - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 2

O blessed Passion-bearers of the Lord, / you preached the Orthodox Faith of Christ with boldness, / reproving the false teachings of your enemies at the place of judgement. / Therefore, having been cast into the depths of the river, O Saints, / your souls now dwell in the heavenly abodes, / where you stand with the Saints before the Throne of God, the King of all. / Pray to Him for all Orthodox Christians, who honor and venerate your martyric contest.

Kontakion — Tone 4

Let us honor the assembly of Christ's martyrs with prayers and hymns; / let us honor those who suffered courageously for the true Faith of Christ, / and finally vanquished the enemy's pride, / Illumined by the grace of the Undivided Trinity, / O glorious throng who suffered with the Hieromartyr Isidore, / you shine like stars all over the world, / and now pray unceasingly for us, / and defend us from the attacks of our enemies, / O constant intercessors for our souls.