Venerable Cornelius, Abbot of Komel, Vologda - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

From your youth you were inflamed with the fire of divine love, / and you forsook the vanity of earthly life, O Venerable one. / As a disciple of Anthony the Great, / you served Christ in silence and in strictness, through vigil, prayer, and fasting. / Therefore, O blessed Cornelius, pray to the Lord that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion — Tone 8

From your youth, like an Angel, you served the Lord, / Who shone forth to the world from the Holy Virgin, O blessed one, / and by His power, you made the desert a city; / for there you gathered a multitude of disciples, enlightening them with your God-inspired teaching. / Therefore, we cry to you: “Hail, Father Cornelius, divine adornment of monks.”