Saint Dionysios the Rhetorician and his disciple Saint Mētrophánēs - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 3

(Podoben: “The Divine Faith...”)
You consumed the roots of the passions with divine coals, / and shone ascetically on Athos, / for radiant with the unwaning light, / you were shown as equals to the God-bearers. / O wise Dionysios and godly Mētrophánēs, entreat Christ God that great mercy may be granted unto us.

Kontakion — Tone 8

(Podoben: “O Victorious Leader...”)
As most sacred initiates of the Trinity, and of equal standing, and communicants with the Monastic Saints, / O wise Dionysios and Mētrophánēs, / never cease to quash the schemes of the Enemy against us, / so that we may cry: “Rejoice, O God-bearers.”