Icon of the Mother of God of Tolga - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

Today, O Most Pure Virgin Theotokos, your Icon shines radiantly upon Tolga, and as a never-setting sun, it always appears to the faithful. / Seeing it in the heavens, invisibly supported by Angels, / His Grace Bishop Tryphon of Rostov came to the luminous pillar of fire which appeared, / and walking on the water as if on dry land, / he prayed to you with faith for his flock and for all people. / And turning to you we cry out: / “Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, we glorify you with faith, / save our land, save the Hierarchs, / and deliver us all from misfortune, / according to your great mercy.”

Kontakion — Tone 8

The miraculous and divinely inspired appearance of your luminous Icon, O Most Pure Virgin, / is for those who look upon it with faith the undoubted hope of salvation; / for as a pillar of fire you show your protection, tirelessly and ardently for us, / and you entreat God, by which you deliver us from all misfortunes, / and with joyful voices we pray and cry out to you: / “Rejoice, O Intercessor for our eternal blessedness.”