Venerable Nicholas the Confessor, Abbot of Studion - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 3

(Podoben: “The Divine Faith...”)
O Studite Nicholas, you were shown as the divine offspring of Kydonίa and a model of the monastic life; / and you revered the Icon of Christ, / excelling in the struggles of your confession. / O Venerable Father, / intercede with Christ God, that He may grant us great mercy.

Kontakion — Tone 8

(Podoben: “O Victorious Leader...”)
You arose from Kydonίa as a brilliant luminary, / and illuminated the fullness of the Church by your steadfast confession O God-bearer. / You clarified the veneration of the Icon of Christ by your struggles and pains. / Therefore we cry out: “Rejoice, Father Nicholas.”