Saint Arsenius, Bishop of Tver - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 1

You were enlightened by divine grace from above, O Hierarch, / and with much patience in this temporal life you performed your ascetical contests. / Therefore, you pour forth the grace of miracles / for all those who come with faith to the revered shrine of your relics, most blessed Arsenios. / Therefore, we cry out to you: / “Glory to Him Who strengthened you. / Glory to Him Who crowned you. / Glory to Him Who, through you, grants healing to all.”

Kontakion — Tone 8

You appeared today as a Russian star revealed by God, / resplendent with miracles, O Hierarch Arsenios. / Therefore, do not cease praying to Christ God for your flock, / and preserve your homeland, and your city, / and the people who with faith glorify the transfer of your revered relics, / bowing down before them with fear and love. / May we all cry out to you with a loud voice: / “Rejoice, godly-wise Hierarch Arsenios, our Father.”