Saint Christódoulos, Wonderworker of Patmos - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

(Podoben: “O citizen of the desert...”)
O brethren, let us honor the godly-minded Christódoulos with hymns, / the offspring of Nicaea, the boast of Patmos, and the glory of monks. / Let us venerate his relics, / and so receive healing of soul and body, crying out: / “Glory to Him Who strengthened you. / Glory to Him Who crowned you. / Glory to Him Who, through you, works healings for all.”

Kontakion — Tone 4

(Podoben: “You appeared today...”)
Since we possess your relics as a holy place of healing for all our diseases and afflictions, / we are delivered from them, and we cry aloud to you, / “Rejoice, O renowned Christódoulos.”