Recovery of the Relics (1650) and the Second Glorification (1909) of the Holy Venerable Right-believing Great Princess Anna of Kashin, Wonderworker - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 3

We glorify you today, Venerable Mother, / Great Princess, and Nun Anna, / for as a fertile vine among thorns, / you blossomed in the city of Kashin with your virtues and astonished everyone with your wonderful life, / therefore you pleased Christ God; / and now, rejoicing and triumphant, / you dwell in the assembly of Venerable women, / enjoying heavenly beauty and joy. / We pray to you, "Entreat Christ, our God, the Lover of mankind, / that He may grant us peace and great mercy."

Troparion — Tone 4

Having been enlightened by Divine grace, O Venerable one, / and having bound your wise soul to the love of Christ, with uprightness of mind, you scorned temporal, corruptible, and earthly goods. / You armed yourself courageously against noetic enemies with the Sign of the Cross, / extinguishing the coals of the passions by the ascetical struggles of fasting and prayer. / O Anna worthy of glory, / even after death you pour forth grace upon those who come to your relics. / Now, in the heavenly Bridal Chamber with the wise virgins,1 pray to Christ for us who honor your holy memory.

1 Matthew 25:1-13.

Kontakion — Tone 4

You appeared in the Russian land as a bright star in the city of Kashin, O Venerable Mother Anna, / you flourished as a lily among all the pious and faithful women by your pure and blameless life, / and among monastics, by your labors and ascetical contests; / you ascended to the city of Heaven, rejoicing and triumphant, / for you traveled well on your path, / and now your relics, revered as precious stones, / have appeared for the healing of all who come in faith. / Therefore, we cry out to you: / "Rejoice, O beautiful soul, and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls."

Kontakion — Tone 8

Devoutly let us sing to Saint Anna, / who is ready to hear us quickly, the helper of all who are in trouble, / gathering today with love on the day of the recovery of her revered relics. / Let us sing a song to the One God in Trinity with rejoicing, / for He has accounted us worthy to behold the most pure treasure of her revered relics, / which were hidden for many years, and then many and various healings took place and were revealed to us. / By her prayers to God, she delivers us from all the troubles which befall us. / With joyful souls and triumphant hearts, we sing hymns of thanksgiving saying, / "Rejoice, O bulwark of our city."