Venerable Cyril, Abbot of Chelma Hill - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

Today your bright memorial has shone upon us, / shining like the sun, with beams of divine grace, / illuminating the entire world and driving away from us the dark night of evil spirits. / Today the Holy Angelic Powers of Heaven, / all the nations of the earth, and the souls of the righteous, / triumph spiritually, and rejoice today; and bowing down we sinners entreat you: / “O Venerable Father Cyril, / pray unceasingly to Christ God for the salvation of your monastery, your city, / and of all those who revere you with love.”

Kontakion — Tone 8

From your youth, O Venerable one, you forsook all worldly goods and comforts, / and settled in the wilderness, diligently following your calling, / most blessed Father, exhausting your body through toil and fasting; / therefore, the Most Blessed Lord made you a shepherd of His sheep. / O Wonderworker Cyril, entreat Christ God on behalf of those who come to you with faith, / asking for the forgiveness of their transgressions, and honoring your holy memory with love.