Venerable Therapon, Abbot of Monza - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 8

Having been enlightened with the love of Christ, O divinely-wise one, / you emulated the virtues of Basil the Blessed in all things, / and despising bodily pleasure, you dwelt in the wilderness, / there you especially labored in prayerful singing, vigil and fasting. / Therefore, Christ has enriched you with the gift of miracles. / Remember us who honor your most illustrious memory, O Venerable Father Therápon, / and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion — Tone 8

Having devoted yourself to God from your youth, O Venerable one, / loving Him most of all, you followed Him with all your heart and love, / you disdained perishable earthly goods, you dwelt in the wilderness, / and in it you struggled well against the intrigues of invisible enemies / and, like a shining sun, shone within the boundaries of the Galich land, / from there, rejoicing, you passed to the Heavenly abodes, / and now, standing with the Angels before the throne of the Master, / remember us, who honor your memory, that we may cry out to you: “Rejoice, Therápon, our Father.”