Deaconeasa Sylvia (Moroșan) Pac-Urar

Deaconeasa Sylvia (Moroșan) Pac-Urar
Deaconeasa Sylvia (Moroșan) Pac-Urar

Deaconeasa Sylvia (Moroșan) Pac-Urar fell asleep in the Lord on Sunday morning, May 12, 2024 at the age of 97 in Peterborough, Ontario. In keeping with her wishes, the funeral service will be held on Monday, May 20, in her adopted home parish in Fairlawn, OH with burial at Vatra Romaneasca, Grass Lake, MI.

Sylvia’s life was one of service — to her family, her church, her community and her profession. She was born on June 26, 1926, in Montreal, QC, Canada to Ambrose and Eufrosina (Tudosi) Moroșan, immigrants from Bucovina in present-day Romania. Her earliest challenge was having to repeat kindergarten because she couldn’t speak English well enough — a challenge that she overcame and ultimately left far behind.

Sylvia became the first girl among her Romanian immigrant community to graduate from high school, and she was on the synchronized swimming and basketball teams at William Dawson and Commercial High Schools. After graduation she was employed as a school secretary by the Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal, where she was introduced to the world of teaching. After graduating from the McGill University Institute of Education (Macdonald College), Sylvia taught in the same school system for a short period before moving with her husband and family to Pomona, CA in 1964. She taught third grade in the San Dimas schools and continued her studies, receiving her B.A. in English Literature from LaVerne College.

In 1970 her family again relocated, this time to Windsor, Ontario, and Sylvia began a lengthy tenure teaching English Language and Literature at Walkerville Collegiate Institute. Respected and loved by colleagues and students, she spent many years mentoring and supervising student teachers, served as chapter president in the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, and received the Master of Education degree from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (University of Toronto). She was inducted into Alpha Delta Kappa, the teaching honorary sorority, and eventually became Ontario Provincial President. Her audio history of ADK is presently held in the archive of the University of Waterloo.

The Windsor community knew Sylvia for her volunteer work. She served on the community review board of United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County, responsible for reviewing and approving funding for the many United Way agencies in the area. She also served on the Board of Hiatus House, a women’s shelter in Windsor.

Sylvia’s greatest loves were her family and her church. As a teen she sang in the parish choir and was secretary of the youth group at “Buna Vestire” Romanian Orthodox Church in Montreal. She carried the responsibility of a deacon’s wife with strength and grace, and was an enthusiastic soprano in “Corala Romania” at Holy Trinity Cathedral, Detroit, MI. In 1973 she was elected the founding president of AROLA, the ladies’ auxiliary of the Romanian Orthodox Missionary Episcopate (presently ROMA). In retirement she served ten years as dorm mother at Camp Vatra, where she became known affectionately as “Preoteasa.” She was diligent in attending services, especially the many services of Holy Week and special services through the year. She came to consider “The Presentation of Our Lord” her home parish and its members, her parish family.

Preoteasa Sylvia leaves a legacy of warmth, grace and perseverance in the face of adversity. Her love was fierce, sometimes stern, and always unconditional.

Sylvia is survived by her son, Father Ian (Psa. Mary Lynn), her daughter, Ianne, grandchildren Michael Pacurar and Psv. Alexandra (Father Constantin) Ursache, great-grandchildren Ileana, Natalia, Sofia and Luca Ursache, and numerous nieces and nephews. Predeceased by her husband, Deacon George Pac-Urar and brother Eugene (Una) Morosan.

May Preoteasa Sylvia’s memory be eternal!